The main function of an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) is to ensure that planning conditions are adhered to and that operatives do not break the law. This is particularly important when you are working near sensitive sites, such as an SSSI.


The position of an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) is usually taken by an experienced ecological consultant, who oversees a development and ensures that the appointed contractor complies with planning conditions and environmental legislation.

The ECoW performs several function, including:

  • Providing a toolbox talk to contractors.
  • Carrying out pre-construction checks for protected species.
  • The erection of exclusion zones.
  • Checks compliance with protected species licences.
  • Keeps records of progress on a project.
  • Ensuring the contractors are aware of site and protected species issues.

The ECoW does not act as a policeman, but can prevent breaches of the law by their very presence. They have good interpersonal skills and a good knowledge of ecology and environmental law. A ECoW is not a civil engineer, but will normally have considerable experience of working with contractors and is familiar with the problems that can arise. They often liaise with the local authority and statutory bodies.


Cheshire Ecology Ltd. can provide an Ecological Clerk of Works for a range of projects, such as:

  • Checking for the presence of birds during the bird nesting season.
  • Ensuring that contractors work within agreed distances of a badger sett.
  • Monitoring and providing advice for the restoration of habitats following construction.
  • The demolition of buildings where protected species may be present.
  • If necessary they will provide weekly or monthly reports.
  • Monitor run-off control.
  • Supervise vegetation clearance.

Our staff have first aid training, they are fully insured and CSCS registered.In most cases they hold a great crested newt licence or are an Accredited Agent for one.


Clerk of Works Ecology Cheshire
Clerk of Works Ecology Cheshire